New Drone Owner? Things to Know.

Drone flying as a Hobby

Drone flying is one of the fastest growing hobbies and almost every young person, and even the older generation would love to have one. It also depends on what you would like to do with your drone. If you would like to use it only in the garden or house, then the cheaper models would suit you, but if you would like to use it for outdoor use, as a new drone owner you will need to invest some time and research exactly what you would like to do.

Important things to know

All the remote controls and several drones have a certain communication range, and it is important to know how to pick a suitable option best for your needs. Some of the bigger models will have a range of up to 4 miles. The other important factor is the flight time. The larger drones will fly for up to 30 minutes before the battery requires charging.


As a new drone owner, be acutely aware of all the safety precautions needed for safe operation, in particular on the charging of the battery. Also be sure to read the aircraft’s manual entirely before flying. Knowing everything about your surroundings and doing a risk assessment will significantly increase your likelihood of a safe flight. Be sure not to fly over people and ensure that you are paying attention for last minute aircraft or other drones near your area.

Guidelines for the Drone Hobbyist

Having a drone especially with video capabilities can be a lot of fun, and unlike the model aircraft hobbyist that can cost a lot of money, it is relatively cheap to fly a drone. As a new drone owner, it would be wise to buy the cheaper models so that it is well within your capability to replace if necessary.
As a drone flyer, you do need to keep abreast of the rules and make sure that you do not get yourself into an enormous amount of trouble.

US Law about Unmanned Aircraft Systems

There are still a lot of gray areas about drones classed as Unmanned Aircraft Systems, abbreviated (UAS) but as a hobbyist, one needs to be very careful. One of the nicest advantages of being a drone videographer is that you can do videos that were never possible before unless you were in a helicopter or an airplane. Drones do bring into effect and limits will need to be set what one will be able to do, especially when it relates to people’s privacy and the safety of others. It would be wise to check what is permissible before starting to fly.
There are still a lot of gray areas about drones classed as Unmanned Aircraft Systems, abbreviated (UAS) but as a new drone owner, one needs to be very careful. One of the nicest advantages of being a drone videographer is that you can do videos that were never possible before unless you were in a helicopter or an airplane. Drones do bring into effect and limits will need to be set what one will be able to do, especially when it relates to people’s privacy and the safety of others. It would be wise to check what is permissible before starting to fly.

Injuring Someone

As a new drone owner, you will need to be careful where you want to fly your drone. Drones fly at high speeds, and the bigger more expensive models can cause injury to onlookers or innocent by-passers. Make sure that you have wide open spaces so that you do not injure anyone because you may find a lawsuit brought to you for compensation. Also, it would be wise that you have sharpened your flying skills with the smaller models so that once you upgrade you can fly competently.

Where to Fly

In and around the City you need to make sure that you keep away from airports, helipads, and private runways so that there is no interference with any aircraft. As a new drone owner, you are responsible for your aircraft and the safety implications it may create.



When to use Commercial Companies

Using commercial drones have only recently received some regulation in the USA because the FAA needs to keep the skies safe for commercial and privately owned manned aircraft. They will need to consider permanent laws on this subject because there is growing pressure from the commercial industry to use drones commercially and have an advantage over their competitors.
Drones have the capability to take photos and videos from above, and this is a new perspective for real estate agents. They are now able to advertise the homes up for sale with not only interior and external photos but aerial as well and show the home in a far more attractive picturesque perspective.
Another commercial consideration for drones is for delivery services. With the growing demand of online sales delivery times have become far more critical to have an advantage over the competitors. Drone deliveries would be far quicker and more cost effective considering the craft is more efficient to run than road vehicles.
The FAA will need to consider all the new demands for drone use and will probably need to implement laws governing these.

FAA – Federal Aviation Administration

Not all drones need to be registered, but it would be a good idea to check if the supplier did not let you know.
The FAA have implemented some rules and regulations for the use of drones in a commercial capacity, but as a private owner, you will need to make sure that you comply with the FAA rules. All registered drone needs to have identification.
To find all the regulations and requirements visit the FAA site


Having a drone gives the hobbyist the flexibility to be able to get photos and videos from any angle they choose. But it takes a lot of skill to be able to maneuver the drone in such a way that it will not be damaged and more importantly not to injure anyone or to invade someone’s privacy. Common sense needs to prevail when someone happens to come across an unusual scene, and there could be requests from the law enforcing agents or emergency medical staff such as an accident.
Commercially the drone will start being utilized more frequently, but it will need to be regulated by the FAA. As technology advances, which it will, it would make sense to protect the safety of the current air traffic that is operating every day.

New Drone Owner? Things to Know.

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